Marine & Water Use
Future Posts 100% recycled plastic composition is rot-free and denser than regular wood – providing a highly durable and long-lasting solution for marine and coastal projects.
Future Posts are proving useful in a variety of marine type applications including wharf side boat buffers, oyster farms, coastal erosion fencing projects, waterways fencing and anywhere with potential for moisture to penetrate the posts which would cause regular timber to quickly rot.
Features & Benefits
As Strong as Timber with some additional Flexibility
For improved durability.
Do Not Rot, Split or Crack
Plastic posts do not absorb water or dry out making them an extremely long-lasting solution.
UV Stabilised
Advance tested for longevity. 50+ year life expectancy.
CCA Free
No CCA (Copper, Chromium, Arsenic) chemical timber treatment leaching into water or soil.
Solid Plastic Construction
Highly durable to the knocks and rigors of wharf life.
High Density = High Grip Retention
Posts will hold onto your fastenings and attachments.
100% Recycled & Recyclable
Divert thousands of tonnes of waste plastics from landfill by installing Future Posts in your project.

"My company is involved with infrastructure developments around the country, we are always looking for innovative products. When I saw the square Future Posts and considered the environmental benefits from their component makeup, I realised they could have excellent applications within the marine environment.
We have used the posts as vessel rubbing strips on the development of the finger wharves at the Vessel Works wharf for the Tauranga City Council, and more recently as rubbing strips all along the Whakatane Town Wharf for Whakatane District Council after the wharf’s full remediation was completed earlier this year. In both instances the posts were machined drilled to provide a recessed fastening to the wharf structures.
I appreciate the ease of working with the material alongside the recognition that the Future Post product is a 100% reused and locally recycled product."
Phil Wardale
Wardale Marine Industry Consulting
Click to download more information.
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